e. Biology and Medicine
Dr, Dunham reported on the results of his
recent survey of the health of Marshall Island residents
who had been involved in fallout incidents during
Operation CASTLE, He said that he was well pleased
with the general health and morale of all groups concerned
and reported that the Rongelap Marshalese could be

returned to their atoll shortly subject only to a number of
limitations on diet and movement, Mr, Libby asked

Dr. Dunham to inform him concerning radioactive strontium
contamination of shell fish and other seafood in the area,
Dr. Dunham then reported on discussions with
Dr, Robert H, Holmes, the new director of the Atomic

Bomb Casualty Commission, concerning the ABCC’s plans

for future activities, He also commented briefly on

specific aspects of relations with Japan.

In the course of discussion, Mr, Libby said
that Mr, Strauss had asked him to request the

National Academy of Sciences to cooperate with repre-

sentatives of a British group which is conducting studies
of the effects of radioactivity,

At this point Mr, Clark left the meeting and Messrs, Waters

and Salisbury entered,

f£, Organization and Personnel
Mr. Smith reported on the rates of turnover
of AEC staff at various levels,
He then outlined and discussed with the
Commissioners the causes of a strike of certain operating
employees at Sandia,
He also reported on the wate of transfer of
contractor personnel from AEC work to the companies’
own projects.

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