Appendix B '

Table 2.

Estimated annual costs in thousands of dollars for other atolls which may be

included (i.e. other than Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik).

Sampling for Dose Assessment
Dietary Studies

Year 1*
250 (250)*
120 (120)

External Gamma Measurement
Dose Assessment
Risk Analysis

200 (200)
30 (30)
30 (30)

Environmental Research

100 (100)

Personnel Monitoring
Data Bank

100 (100)

S50 (50) +


880 (880)+t

Shiptime Support

900 (900)+++

* 1981 dollar costs per atoll; this would have to be adjusted for inflation

for the actual year the program was begun at an atoll.

+ Numbers in parentheses are estimates for costs if the programs were

conducted by new groups independent of current DOE Marshal? Island Programs.

The estimates are in addition to the program costs listed in Appendix A.

++ Cost-independent of shiptime.
+++ If an additional vessel were required to implement program beyond present

Select target paragraph3