
Remedial Measures

An important feature of any future research program, especially at
Enewet ak and Bikini Atolls, should be an evaluation of methods for reducing

the potential dose to residents resettling the atolls.

There are two basic

“methods, other than abstention from eating local foods, for possibly reducing
the dose and these are:


To reduce the uptake of 13706.


Sr into the edible food

products and/or


To reduce the radionuclide inventory in the soil.

Preliminary studies, limited by current funding and program obligations,
are underway to evaluate the potential of both of these concepts.


much more thorough and complete programs should be established under the P.L.
96-205 program.
For example, more complete and sophisticated studies could be conducted to

evaluate various agriculture practices, using different high potassium and
nitrogen fertilizer to the block the uptake of VW37e6,

Different types and

amounts of fertilizer, different application rates, application of stable
elements (Cs, Sr) and different irrigation practices should all be evaluated
in a controlled, scientific manner to evaluate the effectiveness of the
techniques to reduce radionuclide uptake by subsistence crops.

These efforts

should incorporate appropriate expertise where necessary such as tropical
agriculturalists, soil scientists and hydrologists if necessary.

Also, experiments designed to evaluate possible means of reducing the soil
radionuclide concentration should be expanded.

Current 100 mx 100 m plots

have been denuded of all vegetation and are being monitored to see if there is
a reduction in the soil inventory, with a concurrent increase in radionuclide


Select target paragraph3