R. E. Hollingsworth


In the meeting I explained that the new levels of plutonium-239 in soil
of Bikini Island are higher than those in Colorado for which some members

of the scientific community have expressed concern. While the plutonium
levels in themselves would not be expected to add significantly to the
risk evaluated by the Ad Hoc Committee, this is presently a sensitive
subject and the number of available soil samples for which plutonium
analyses could be performed is minimal. While it is expected that results will probably be negative, it is desirable also to collect air
filter samples for alpha analysis.
There was a body of opinion in the

meeting that additional sampling of soil and the collection of air filter
samples should be conducted, preferably before the construction of housing
which is to begin in about two months.
The discussion next turned to the question of who would plan and conduct
the survey. There was a consensus that the Nevada Operations Office (nv)
should plan field operations to collect soil and air samples at Bikini
Atoll as soon as feasible with assistance of representatives from groups
such as the University of Washington, SWRHL, Health and Safety Laboratory,
Division of Biology and Medicine, and the Division of Operational Safety.

NV should call a meeting of the representatives to plan the survey, to

determine the numbers and types of samples to be collected, to develop

a tentative schedule for the survey, and to obtain an agreement on the
membership of the field team. The objective of this team would be to

document, just prior to return of the natives, levels of radioactivity

in soil, air, and water. For this survey, the primary effort would
be given to alpha radioactivity.

The 1964 data reported for plutonium in soil and in foods at Bikini Atoll

did not suggest any significant intake of plutonium through ingestion or

The 1969 soil data can be expected to raise questions on

pathways to man including inhalation. The questions concerning the levels
of plutonium in soils and in air for Bikini must be resolved before the
two draft reports are released. Those in the meeting agreed with this
Before the logistics aspects of the field trip can be planned, the staff
of the Trust Territory of the Pacific must be informed of the purpose and
objectives of the survey. To avoid any misunderstanding and to be able
to answer any questions, it has been suggested that this coordination

should be accomplished in a meeting between AEC and Trust Territory per-

sonnel rather than by correspondence.
Such a meeting would probably be
held in Honolulu, Hawaii or Majuro Atoll immediately after the NV planning




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