Twenty-third Year Annual Medical Survey to Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini
Aboard the R. V. Liktanur - March-April 1977

The medical team consisted of:

from the U.S., 6 physicians, one Ph.D.,

and 5 technicians; from the Trust Territory one practitioner (Dr. Iaman)
and 4 technicians; and one Marshallese man from Ebeye.
During the period 8 March to 3 April, about 850 people were examined
(some 350 babies and children and 500 adults).
technician and local assistants.

Triage was done by a

Medical histories were recorded by two T.T.

personnel; children were examined by a pediatrician and one T.T. assistant;
adults by 5 physicians; and hematology tests were carried out by 3 technicians.
A special thyroid survey was done by two physicians.

Whole body counts

were done in the lead lined counter aboard the LCU on a number of people at
Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini.

In addition urine samples on all three islands

were collected for biochemical analyses.

Examinations at Majuro were carried out in our medical trailer by the
hospital and partly in the hospital from 8-13 March.
done by house to house canvass by rented car.

A thyroid survey was

Examinations at Ebeye were

carried out on the 2 medical trailers outside the hospital from 14-18 March.
Survey in the Outer Islands
The surveys at Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini were carried out as scheduled
leaving Kwajalein 18 March.

The crew of the Liktanur was most cooperative

and pleasant and went out of their way to be helpful


(see copy of attached

Without lengthening the voyage the skipper on several occasions

steered a course in the lee of atolls in order to make the travel less
rough, helping make the long,

tedious voyage more enjoyable.

Many large,

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