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Identification of group problem~solving procedures,
of decisions,


and factors that are perceived to control and influ-

ence group behavior as they relate to risk perceptions can be

accomplished through semi-structured interviews with key Marshallese informants and direct observations of community activities.
For example, investigators will attempt to determine if Marshallese
tend to be fatalistic about the effects of natural disasters or
Similar phenomena as was determined about people living in the
southern United States

(Sims and Baumann,


If Marshallese

are not fatalistic, this would tell investigators that atoll residents tend to believe they have some control over what happens to
them in their daily lives.

This information would be useful in

characterizing a communication process.

In the course of this

part of the task, additional discussion topics and observations

will focus on situations or events that involve risks and could
cause injury to health and property, e.g., childbirth, fishing
in shark-infested waters.

Emphasis would be placed on identify-

ing key criteria and cognitive procedures used to derive appro-

priate decisions.
Knowledge of psychological decision-making processes will
enable investigators to understand how the Marshallese evaluated
the information elicited in the survey concerning radiological
topics and resettlement concerns.


Investigation and Development of a
Communication Process

Data obtained from Tasks
background for Tasks 4 and 5,
this phase.


2 and 3 in Phase 1 will provide

scheduled to be accomplished during

Select target paragraph3