
adaptation to resettlement will be obtained from selected


Marshallese informants at Ujilang Atoll, Bikini Atoll,
Kili Island, Japtan Island, Rongelap Atoll and Utirik Atoll.
Sample sizes will vary between 10-20 adult male and female
informants per atoll or island.

Selection will largely

be determined by existing population and availability of

Interview procedures will be less formal

and less structured than those anticipated for use with
respondents in Task 1] above.

Content of the interviews,

however, will focus on the general topics identified in Task ]

in addition,



knowledge about radiation,

(b) nature of communications and contacts with federal


perceived responsibilities of federal

government agencies.

Interviews will be conducted with the assistance of

Prior to the interviews, items will be sub-

jected to a back-translation technique

(Brislin et al.,


to control for potential sources of invalidity due to translation.


Task 3.

Task 3,

Identification of sociocultural
factors that influence and
regulate behavior among Marshallese

although a separate task, will be accomplished

at approximately the same time data are collected for Task 2.

in the course of collecting interview information,

investigators will adapt social-psychological procedures

tapping certain Marshallese personalityvariables and

Select target paragraph3