
examination of existing archival documents,

interviews with

key federal agency representatives and representatives of
certain Marshall Island communities, and direct observation
of activities occurring on certain atolls.

Key informants,

Marshallese knowledgeable about folk culture of atoll
residents and resettlement activities, will be identified and

serve aS a major source of information about the activities
occurring on the Marshalls.
Because of the critical importance of language differences

for this research, frequent consultation will be made with several
bilingual persons in the Marshalls.
educated Marshallese,

These persons will include

Peace Corpsmen still on the islands and

representatives of the Office of Territorial Affairs.

In addition,

field workers selected for the project will also be bilingual and
thoroughly familiar with Marshallese culture and customs.


Each of the six specific objectives corresponds to a
research task.

Tasks 1,

2 and 3 will be accomplished in the

first 18 months of the contract period.


be accomplished in an additional 18 months;

4 and 5 will

and Task 6 will

be accomplished in the final 12 months,
Tasks will be described under their respective research
phases listed earlier in the proposal.

While tasks will be

described separately it must be emphasized that taken together,
they constitute an integrated program of research.

Select target paragraph3