

Information will be collected from a number of federal
agency representatives in the continental United States,

the northern Mariana Islands and the Marshall Islands.

Data will also be obtained from a sample of Marshall Islanders

residing in a number of atoll and island communities.


tional information will be obtained from federal and territorial documents that pertain to radiological activities and
resettlement of the Marshall Islands.
Since 1946,

federal agency representatives have had a

number of interactions with the Marshallese concerning
relocation, presence of dangerous levels of radionuclides in
the environment and resettlement of atolls.


many Marshallese have experienced a variety of difficulties
caused in part by multiple relocations and misunderstanding.

To understand the impact of these interactions and experiences on the Marshallese,

one must intensively study their

current status and intergroup relations.


knowledge can best be obtained by using an analytic case

study method

(Blau and Meyer,


The analytic case study method involves the examination

of existing records and documents, interviewing involved
participants, and taking part in the phenomenon under study.

The scope of such study typically covers individuals,
situations, groups and communities

Cook, 1976).

(Selltiz, Wrightsman and

In this study, emphasis will be placed on the

Select target paragraph3