by residents at

Rongelap, Utirik and Bikini and the general belief

that more technical data were required to assess atoll safety.
Rongelap and Utirik initially were not thought to be affected
by the radiation fallout generated by the different nuclear tests.
However, prevailing weather conditions during a thermonuclear
detonation at Bikini Atoll on March 1,

1954 produced radiation

fallout on Rongelap and Utirik; consequently numerous residents
suffered radiation exposure despite evacuation efforts.

The Rongelap

people were displaced from their community for three years,


people of Utirik for three months.

While no deaths occurred, acute thyroid radiation effects we
detected initially among the Rongelapese,

later among the Utirikese.

the Rongelap and Utirik people had to contend with the physical

and psychosocial hardships imposed by short-term relocation and bio-

logical side effects of radiation exposure.
Bikinians who returned to Bikini Island are beginning to experience some biological side effects of radiological contamination.

Before Bikinians were permitted to return, they were informed that the
island was relatively safe for habitation.
not to consume certain natural foods,
pandanus, breadfruit and coconut.
for consumption.

However, they were warned

especially the flora such as

Marine life was considered safe

Apparently Bikinians disregarded the safety warnings

and consumed toxic foods;

as a result,

increased body burdens of

cesium have been detected among residents.

Consequently, Bikinians

were recently told that further rehabitation of Bikini Island was
undesirable and again reminded of the risks associated with consumption of certain flora.
The biological problems experienced by people at Rongelap,

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