
Surveillance of Facilities and Sites

Project Title:

Dose Reassessment for Populations on Rongelap and Utirik

Following Exposure to Fallout





Incidences of thyroid nodules, benign and malig200 Word Summary:
nant, in the exposed populations of Utirik and Rongelap have indicated critical
differences in correspondence between nodule incidence and thyroid dose for
the two populations. The estimated external dose received from the time fallout began to the time of evacuation shows that the Rongelap population received an external dose (175 rads) which was about thirteen times that for

the Utirik population (14 rads), and the thyroid dose was about ten times
larger, whereas the incidence of thyroid nodules in the two populations were
not signficantly different.

A preliminary study has indicated that the critical area of investigation
that could shed light is the period during fallout and evacuation for both the

In addition, the fact that the Utirik population returned within 120

days following evacuation, whereas the Rongelap population returned only after
three years, requires that we look closely at the Utirik population in terms of
Further studies would,
a longer exposure period, both internal and external.
all available data in
therefore, have

reports issued by various agencies during that period, consultations with scientific personnel involved at that time,

identifying the areas of uncertainty,

and using appropriate computer programs to analyze the data. The end result
will enable us to. look for correlations between the incidence of thyroid
nodules and the reassessed dose estimates.


Relationship to Other Projects:

This study will help establish dose estimates from the time of the

incident to the present, and will complement the aerial survey, for external

radiation measurements, over these islands, which is scheduled soon.
they should present a reliable picture of doses received by the populations

and also enable dose estimates to be projected into the future.

(b) This study will be in close conjunction with the BNL Radiological
Safety Program in the Marshall Islands and with related programs of the BNL
Medical Department. Continued collaboration with the University of Washington,
Laboratory of Radiation Ecology, in the area of environmental radioactivity
will be maintained.

Technical Progress in FY 1978:

Preliminary literature search and consultations with Dr. C. A. Sondhaus,
University of California, have been completed. This has resulted in defining
areas of uncertainty in information and establishing the procedural steps that
should be carried out towards elucidating this problem.
Progress is being made
(See Continuation Sheet)

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