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The need for capital equipment and the items to be purchased are described

in the following paragraphs.

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Item 10

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necessary to resort to manual reduction of the measurement data which,
obviously, will severely limit the number of samples that can be analyzed.

The first step in the replacemént process is to acquire a new data and

analysis system that can accommodate the three Ge(Li) diode units. A single
input system, but one that can accommodate the three additional “units is

available for $31,500. The integral parts of the system are an analog to
digital converter (ARC), a direct memory access unit (DMA), a catnode ray
display tube, a disc storage unit, a data processor, and a terminal.


this addition one Ge(Li) diode detector unit would be on line with the new




To maintain the integrity of our gamma spectrum measurement and data processing
systems, the time has arrived for replacement of the old multi-channel analyzers
and the PDP-5.

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same vintage as the PDP-5 and suffer from the same ailments. If an old multichannel analyzer breaks down and is not reparable, then one system is out of
action; if the PDP-5 breaks down and is not reparable,. then it will be


are not now available. Except for one, the multi-channel analyzers are of the


surplus several years ago and it has served us well but many parts have reached
or exceeded their life expectancy and replacements (transitors, drum, etc.)


Our three Ge(Li) detection and measurement systems are our most used

systems and-are in constant operation 24 hours per day, every day.
However, the
detectors are coupled with old multi-channel analyzers and interfaced with a
PDP-5. The PDP-5 is an old model computer that was acquired from government

system and two would reniain on the old system; however, this addition also

provides the potential for the addition of three other units. —

The second step is the addition of the other two Ge(Li) diode detection
units to the single input data and analysis system of Option A. This action
would transfer al] three of the Ge(Li) units now on hand from the old multichannel analyzers and PDP-5 to the new system. The cost of the addition cf
the first unit is $6,500 (ADC, DMA, software, 12K memory) and of the second

unit, $4,000 (ADC and DMA, only); the combined cost is $10,500.

The third step is the addition at some later time, of a fourth and final

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unit which could accommodate detectors of one of various types--Ge(Li) diode,
alpha diode, x-ray or sodium iodide,

Select target paragraph3