
of the principal project staff are included in the Appendix.
To assist in maintaining contact with Marshallese communities,

Battelle will retain the services of two Marshallese


Both will be skilled and trained in the use of

field research techniques and assist in the development of

translation and identifying key informants.

The Battelle Memorial Institute
The Battelle Memorial Institute was formed in 1925 as an
Ohio nonprofit public-purpose organization charged generally
by its founder, Gordon Battelle,
in the education of man,

to engage in research,

and develop,



and dispose of

Battelle's efforts are directed toward using

science and technology for the betterment of mankind.

The insti-

tute was founded as a memorial to the Battelle family,


settlers in Ohio and later prominent in the iron and steel industry.

Major laboratory facilities are in Columbus, Ohio;

Richland, Washington; Frankfurt, Germany; and Geneva, Switzerland.

In addition, the Battelle Seminars and Studies Program

the Human Affairs Research Centers are located in Seattle,


The total complement of over 6,000 Battelle staff

members has an established record of research accomplishments in
more than 75 countries.
The basic concept underlying Battelle's research and

development efforts is the solution of specific problems through
the formation of teams of scientists, engineers, and supporting

Select target paragraph3