=~ 29certain amount of anxiety. Thus, special care and caution
will be taken to avoid questions that would generate high
levels of anxiety in the typical respondent.

This will be

accomplished by carefully pretesting research instruments,

In all, potential risks to respondents is judged to be very

It is expected,


that particularly sensitive

respondents will eliminate themselves by refusing to consent
to be interviewed.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the Battelle Memorial

through its Pacific Northwest Division, maintains

an "Institutional Review Board-~Human Subjects Committee."
This committee is responsible for protecting the rights and

welfare of human subjects and insuring that all research
(regardless of sponsor) involving human subjects be conducted
in accordance with guidelines established by the United States
Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Joseph E. Trimble, Ph.D.

(Social Psychology)

is a Research

Scientist at the Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers.
serve as Principal Investigator of the project.

He will

His research

efforts are concentrated on socio-psychological issues and problems of American Indians including personality development among

adolescents, education, and impact of energy development on
reservation and Alaska Native village lands.

He is one of the

few American Indian social scientists in the country working on
contemporary issues associated with tribes and native groups.

Select target paragraph3