
will provide alternatives in the event that one or another
communication strategy fails to achieve desired results.


An analytic case study method including direct observatio
respondent interviewing and archival study technigues, will
employed to meet research objectives.

Research is planned to

occur within a 48-month time span divided into three distinct
Six research tasks will concentrate
but interrelated phases.
on identification of perceptions of federal representatives and
residents of atolls in the Marshall Islands concerning radiological topics,

identification of the informal communication

network existing among native residents in the Marshalls and
culminating in the development and field testing of a culturallyappropriate communication process.

Behavioral effects generated

by the process will be monitored over the course of the resettle-

ment of Enewetak Atoll and possibly other atolis as identified
in the proposal.
The communication process to be implemented in the final

stage of the project is expected to facilitate communications
and relationships between federal agency representatives and Marshall Islanders.


knowledge of intracultural and

intercultural demands placed upon the Marshallese will be
greatly advanced.

The current lack of understanding among the

Marshallese as they prepare for resettlement in high risk environments will be carefully examined.

The results will assist in

identifying adaptation problems and possibly prevent new complications.

Select target paragraph3