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of source credibility and communication channels.

Source and

channels are likely to be critical elements in determining the
effectiveness of the total communication process.
To assess the effectiveness of the process,


will field test it with a small group of Marshallese informants.

appropriate channels,

will be reviewed by the informants.

and modes of communication
The informants will assess

the appropriateness of the communication process for use in
various Marshallese communities,

identify anticipated outcomes,

and recommend changes in cases where ambiguities and inconSistencies exist.

It will be important to determine the extent

to which the process minimizes misunderstandings and misperceptions.


the field test will assist in:



the range of behavior and responses likely to emerge from the


substantiating the effectiveness of the process;

and (3) providing investigators with information that would
assist in revising the process,

if necessary.

Behavior and responses produced by the field test will be

Results will be reviewed with DOE representatives

to assess relationships between outcomes expected by DOE and
those produced by the communication process.


Variations between outcomes expected by DOE and those anticpated
by the informants will be vital for determining the effectiveness
of the communication process.

It will be important to avoid

repeating the events that occurred in Bikini Island when

Bikinians ate food that DOE representatives had told them was

Select target paragraph3