program, why they were not informed at all before
they started the program?
Peter T. Coleman

As far as the Trust Territory Government is concerned,
they were not informed because we did not know anything

about it.

The matter was brought up only after the date

was set for the return and certain programs were to be

implemented between now and Decembe r1973. That's the
reason why we have Col. Circeo with us. He came down

to explain to us in our meeting in Majuro.
we did not know about it ourselves.
Jon Anderson

Before that

I would 7ike to ask Col. Circeo again for purposes of
Clarification, was the Environmental Impact Statement
filed on the 18th of April? Yesterday, we were shown
the work that is being done out there to prepare your
test bed. When was that work begun?

Lt. Col. Circeo

I don't know the exact date.

I'll have to ask for

opinion, but I believe that was sometine in February
or March.

Jon Anderson

So in other werd

the project was already underway and

Lt. Col. Circeo


Peter T. Coleman

Any other questions. We appreciate very much everybodies
help. This is our last occasion to meet formally.
We'll get together socially later on.

Gideson S.

On behalf of the Eniwetokese Counsel, we would like to
express our appreciation and gratitude for everything
that has been doné for us throughout the week. We know
that your people are going to help in cleaning up the

in effect a great deal of alteration of the environment
was in progress before your Environmental Impact
Statenent was filed.
Site preparation was underway.

place and prepare for their return to their home

Thanks for making the Militobi available for

the trip to each of the islands to see what happened
to the islands and to see which are now missing.

Meeting adjourned



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