The Use of lc Labeled Tyrosine to Explore the Synthesis of Thyroid Hormone
The 131r studies dealing with the synthesis of iodinated

led to additional work attempting to use a second isotope.


unds in


J4c labeleli tyrosine

with the label in the carboxyl position was incubated with thyroid slices ih a nutrient
solution to study the sequence of the synthesis of thyroid hormone. As expected, the

l'tc labeled tyrosine was recovered in its original form in the thyroid tisaghe slices
but none of the l4c was found in the mono- or diiodotyrosine fractions. It[was

surprising then that some of the 1c appeared in the thyroxine and triiodothyronine

fractions recovered from these slices.

Because of the longstanding and


attractive theory that the synthesis of thyroxine is accomplished by the combination
of two icdotyrosine molecules, this apparent by-passing of mono- and diicdotyrosine
to form thyroxine was unexpected.

See attached Figure 3.

It should be poifhted out that

the yields of l4c in the thyroxine and triiodothyronine fractions were very
smll but
Significant. This was reported in the discussion of the paper by Gross andj Pitt-Rivers
at the Laurentian Hormone Conference in September, 1953.

Dobyns, B.M. In discussion of a paper by J. Gross and R. Pitt-Rivers.
bid Hormone
Physiology and Biochemistry. Triiodothyronine in Relation to Thyroid Physiblogy.
Recent Progress in Hormone Research 10: 119-121 Academic Press, 1954.
Although the experiment demonstrating the phenomenon of tyrosine by-pabsing of the

mono-— and diicdotyrosine to form thyroxine had been successfully repeated before the
observation was reported, it was looked upon by others with same skepticism}
experiment has since been performed a total of 7 times confirming the synthbsis of a

small amount of thyroxine from tyrosine without forming mono- or diiocdctyropine fram

the labeled tyrosine.

These incubation experiments have been performed usilhg i3ly

to label iodide and l4c +6 label the tyrosine in the same incubation experiments.


two isotopes were counted in the various fractionated samples and their distribution

determined by first counting the 15ly and then permitting
and then counting the l4¢,

‘see attached Fi



all of this isotope to decay

131I iodine was_abupdant in the

mono- and diiodotyrosine but there was no 1%¢ in these compournis. The l4c
again appeared in the thyroxine and triiodothyronine fractions in small but] significant

amounts .

Paper Chromatography of Iodinated Campounds
Although it was possible to completely separate the iodinated compoundg by the

starch column method developed and described, it was so laborious that it rpquired
almost a week to run a single separation and count all of the samples from ft. It
was therefore_impossible to use this method of separation for a series of simples.

containing 131; and collected over a period of hours or a few days because
2 small.
amount of isotope in iodinated campounds decayed before it could be measurefi accurately.
During and following the development of the starch colum chromatography, paper
chromatography gained increasing popularity. Our method of paper chromatogrep

was developed as a quantitative method using a butanol-dioxane—ammonia solvpnt
descending fashion.

in a2

This we developed for our own use from one of the two Bteps of the

two dimensional paper chromatography originally described by LeBlond and Grpss.
general pattern became very popular and was widely used.

The paper method using butanol as a principal ingredient of the solvenk


in an

acid medium was extensively studied in our laboratory because it was rapid Bnd seemed
reasonably quantitative. Much time was spent studying this method as it wak being

used by others.

In the light of our experience with the acid medium used originally

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