8Oks 7000 to 5000 rads there was some impairment of mitotic activity shortly after
I and some persistent impairment was demonstrable for the remainlier of the
eethe aninal In some animals some temporary impairment was seen below —L000
ls and in some of this group of animals subsequently the maximal enlargement] of the

ind on chronic thiouracil could not be achieved.

It must be recognized,

howpver, that

sacity for hypertrophy declines with age so that failure to recover earlier
‘not actually be attributable to radiation. Furthermore, the capacity to respond
‘th increased mitotic activity /1 radiated animals was more like a non-radiatkd animal
a later age. With 9000 to 20,000 rads the recovery of mitotic activity at P6 days

| 5 months was not complete.

With 14,000 to 30,000 the capacity for mitotic] activity

; Only about 4s that of non-radiated animals. It was at about this dose level that
y little significant increase in thyroid weight could be produced by thiourficil later
life until the animal was developing a neoplasm. Among animais sacrificed ft 4 weeks
re had been considerable temporary recovery in ability to respend to the stimulus

n after doses as high as 14,000 to 30,000 in one series and 12,000 to 15,00) in the othex

was at this level of rad dose that neoplasms were most likely to ultimately
shout the added stimulus of thiouracil.


When neoplasms were clearly formed, the incidence of mitotic labeling in
f-he lesion
3 usaally much greater than that in,the extranodular tissue. Only in the more
rently prepared autoradiograph for 1311 content was the iodine uptake
rin of the
splasm satisfactorily demonstrated. However, as far as observations go, it Bppears
it those neoplasms with the most abundant labeling with tritiated thymidine fin nuclei


little 13112.

I uptake.

Figure 14 illustrates an autoradiograph of a solid cellular tumor wit!

All types of histologic patterns of thyroid neoplasms have been found.
pillary and follicular lesions have been the most-common thus far. Such a

shown in Figure 15.


These are usually found where chronic thiouracil has heen


sosed on radiation. It has been discovered that most of the lesions found ifn animals
at are radiated but not given thiouracil are solid cellular lesions and mst] appear
Lte undifferentiated. One such neoplasm is seen in Figure 16. This animal fFeceived
pe of 1317 delivering 5126 rads. No thiouracil was given other than the brfief few days
stimulate acute mitotic activity. The animal was sacrificed at 18 months. The
toradiograph shows an enormous concentration of nuclei bearing the tritiated thymidine
sel at a point where the very undifferentiated neoplasm is breaking through
[the capsule.
> cells that are labeled only had an opportunity to collect thymidine for ar hour and
2y only collected _it when preparing to divide. Therefore, the encrmous numitr of cells
selec speaks forarate at which these cells are miltiplying at the point of Hreak through.
By making routine tritiated thymidine autoradiographs it has been hoped that we

nt learn at what time neoplasms begin to develop following

I and therefdre find

am at or near their inception. It has been assumed that any cluster of cellB destined
be a neoplasm will display a different rate of incorporation of tritiated tfhymidine
its nuclei than will cells of the surrounding tissue as shown in Figure 16 [and 17.
After 12 to 15 months radiated thyroids show some areas of variability

follicle size and cell size.


At this time the labeling of mclei is not always >

iformly displayed. Figure 18. Although there may be no discretely encapsulated groups
celis which are clearly a neoplasm, the tendency for cell division seems mre

avalent in some areas than in others.

The non-uniform distribution of labelling with ©

itiated thymidine presumably relates to the nodularity that evolves when
theake glands
2 stimlated to hypertrophy. It appears that ultimately such glands will bq found to
nmtain lesions whose histologic appearance, degree of encapsulation and discretely


Select target paragraph3