a cetome ee peIRL CUDA LULy iyper'tropny.


did not participate in the 1971 survey, but it was reported that this
compensatory nodule for it had shrunken on thyroid supplement.

Conard, R.A., Sutow, W.W., Colcock, B.P., Dobyns, B.M., Depaglia, D.E.

as a late effect of exposure to fallout.

. I.A.E.A., Vienna, 1969.


ly was a

Thypoid nodules

In Radiation-Induced Cancer , P.3—5-336,

Conard, Robert A., Dobyns, B.M., Sutow, W.W., Thyroid Neoplasia as a Late Effect of

Acute Exposure. JAMA, 214: No. 2 316-324, October 12, 1970.

Conard, Robert A., Sutow, Wataru W., Bateman, John L., Dobyns, B.M., Riklon]

E=ra an

Demoise, Charles F., Medical Survey of the People of Rongelap and Utirik IsJancs Fifteen
Years After Exposure to Fallout Radiation. Brookhaven National Laboratory -]ENL 50220
(T-562) Upton, New York.
The Utah-Nevada Study
The principal investigator has also participated in the annual examinaficn of the

children in the Utah-Nevada fallout area (exposed in 1954) where some endemic gpiter

is present. A week has been spent in this area each of the past six years jn she
annual thyroid examinations of children that had been screened from a very Ji-ze
population in the fallout area by a United States Public Health Service scrgerning team.

Thyroid abnormalities which prompted concern were referred to a panel of

thie, of

; which the writer has been one. Those patients with thyroids judged to contain di
masses have been sent to the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City for
study. In some instances, the masses have been removed. The application off the sam
criteria of judgment of radiation effect in thyroids excised from this populktion has
revealed only an occasional thyroid tissue which showed hints of a radiatiay erfect.

Reports are in preparation by Dr. Marvin Rallison. Another has been publisitd by
Dr. Edward Weiss et al: Thyroid Nodularity in Southwestern Utah School Chilpren

to Fall-Out Radiation, Am. Jour. Pub. Health, 61: 241-249, Februarv. 1971.


During the course of participating in the anmal survey of the Marshal]ese people
who were accidentally radiated with radioiodine from the first thermonuclear bamb in
| the Pacific, the principal investigator of this contract had an opportunity [te examine
many thyroids. It is now known that the exposed people have developed many fhoctules in
their thyroids, same of which have been malignant. In the course of these dbservatias,
both exposed and unexposed people were studied. On the island of Rongelap,
impression was gained that young adults (who were born after the fallout hadj cccurred)
displayed moderate degrees of hypertrophy of their thyroids.
This was a rather surpris:
observation because this population had lived within a few feet of the sea afl of ther
lives and for protein depended heavily on fish which provides an abundance of iodine.
Nodules of the thyroid in the Marshallese population are almost unheard of afithe thyrak
are considered to be scarcely palpable at any age. The question was raised phether te
exposure of adults might effect their thyroid function in such a way as to be refilectet
in their offspring. If there was a subtle secondary effect on the offspring}it might six
at adolescence. —
Although the number of people in the exposed population was very small amd the

number of children of the exposed was insufficient to draw any firm conclusifns, it

appeared that children born of exposed population (after the exposure) had larger thyrcic
than did the children of the unexposed. If this was a valid observation theq# the thecry
was proposed that if the people sustained some thyroid damage (it has been slowthat sm

did) than any fetus whose gestation took place in the environment of the mitler's
thyroid deficiency might sustain some lasting effect on its thyroid functim]


rds showed that there was a two fold increase in spontaneous abortions afi stilibirtt

the first several years after radiation exposure, adding further support tp the

ae ee PT

Select target paragraph3