ee ee

association of plutonium with sinking narticles is of
major importance in the marine distritution of nlutonium.

(Z) The mean ratio of Pue?®;py2 394240 in the @)series
samples was

(0.920 + 0.904) which agrees well with the

ratio of 1.924 used by Hardy, Kray and Volchock (Nature

Vol. 241, 444, 1973) as an average weapons pu238/

Pu2*9*249 vatio (Fie. 2).
(4) The concentration of plutonium in the (Q (crater) sanples
varied from 79

average Pus

- 2°70 dpm Pu239*240 pranat, and the

spurs ete 4


in these samnles was

(O.N5& + ANA) which is much higher than the mean of the ~
P series samrles.

In theQyY series samnies the concentration of plutonium
was the lowest found in this suite of samples.

The Pu

content varicd from 4 - 16 drm PuZ39*240/10n0L, except
in })-9 surface samrle, which was collected in the

Tokororyuru Pass and which contained 97.4 + 6.8 d/m
Puz3°*+240 yinanoy.

The high value in this sample reflects

surface flow of water out of the lagoon to the west.

The average Pu->8/py259*240 ration was (0.941 + .917)
in the open-sea samples.
(6) The water from the Zuni and Rravo craters exhibited high
Py 238 pp,239 ratios (Zuni surface 9.13; Pravo surface


Select target paragraph3