

Fach sample was counted for 48

- 72 hours

to collect reasonable counts for acceptable statistics.

Table 1 gives the data on R series of sea water samples
which were collected inside of Rikini Atoll.

Table 2 is

for the C series of samples collected in the crater areas
of Rikini Atoll and Table 3 is for the f series samples in
the open ocean surrounding Rikini Atoll.

The samnle loca-

tions and concentrations of plutonium are plotted in Fig. 1,
aman of Rikini Atoll.

Following are some of the salient

points of the prrliminary report:

(1) ® series sarmles exhibited concentrations of Pu2°9*240
From 35 dpm/IM00L to 283 drm/T000L.
tions were found

Higher concentra-

in the northwest and lower in the


(2) The concentration of plutonium in bottom waters was
generally higher than the surface concentration at the
same location; the onlv exceptions were sample R-7,

which was collected at the mouth of Pukoii Pass, and
sample R-26 from the east-central area of the Lagoon.
The presence of excess plutonium in most samples from
depth is consistent with the premise that the primary
source of Pu is from contaminated crater sediments and
the physical and hiological sedimentation and the




Select target paragraph3