travelled, is estimated by summing the cletances between the successive points
from ground sero to point 30.

In calculating q in Table 1, some volues are

omitted as beyond the range of Fig. 1.

bother with, in entering the quantities

More values are dropped, as too small to




,- (9)*.

The final totals are the

surface concentrations that would be produced if the initial central concentrations

(Co) were all unity,

When the method was tried out on YANKER, it was found that

if the resultant surface concentrations were multiplied by 100, they agree
reasonably well with the dose rate, in roentgens per hour, measured one day
after the shot.

This factor was used in mking up Table 2, and it appears to

give fairly good results for BRAVO, ROMED, and UNION also, although there is sme

tendency to over~estimate the lower dose rates at the larger distanses.


Table 1, however, it is clear that the agreement is about as good as in Table 2

without multiplying by a factor of 100. The yield of NECTAR was lees than that
of the shots in Table 2, but not by a factor of 100,

At the present time the

only explanation that can be offered for this discrepancy is the heavy rain that
occurred on NECTAR day.

There is good reason to anticipate that the current detailed etudy of the

more conplex method will yield a better simplified technique than the above.
For this reason, there is little justification for a more elaborate report on
the method at this time,


Select target paragraph3