
&> is the initfal spread parameter (analogous to standard deviation).


altitudes 10,000 thru 40,000 ft, &@> #2 1.9 miles; 50,000 thru 70,000 ft,
Bo ws 5.8 miles,

Thruout the whole cloud, all radioactive particles are of the same

size, end fall at 50,000 ft per hour.


In each layer, the central particle falls, without diffusion, as

directed by the winds, while other particles diffuse horizontally away from
the center equally in all directions so that, when the layer arrives on the

surface, the distribution about the center is given by

© (r) (F) = oa
or (8)


where p = So #8, q = r/&, S m total horizontal distance travelled by the
cent ral particle, So = 5.2 &g.

(The last quantity may be pictured as the

horizontal distance back to a fictitious point source of the cloud layer).
(f) The dose rate at any point is proportional to the sum of the concentrations from all of the layers as estimated from the preceding forma.

Apart from the assumption of a single particle sise this formulation has

a number of other ocdvious defects, e.g.

a. The sum of the quantities Coap* should be mede proportional to the
total radioactive yield of the"bomb,"

In practice, the final estimtes

were adjusted somewhat on account of expected yield.

This, in effect,

allowed for the influence on Co, but not on ap.


The estimation of S as total horizontal distance is rather unsatisfactory
in local forecasting where the atoll dimensions are not much greater than
the height of the cloud,

Also, there was no time to find out whether better results could be obtained by

Select target paragraph3