
After the child was delivered, the grandmother took charge of the baby

until she became seasick,

Both of the physicians who delivered the baby had

previously become seasick and at this point in time, I suggested to Mr. Brown
that the ship alter course since we were running downwind in a quartering sea,
to head for Roi Namur.

This course change would have put us on a course

almost dead ahead of the wind and given both the patients and the medical team
a much smoother ride.
in course was ordered.
ship's crew.

Mr. Brown apparently considered the idea but no change
I don't know if any recommendation was passed to the

Thereafter, the ship followed the longest approach route to

Kwajalein, estimated to be 4 hours longer than entry. through Bigej channel pass.
One of the most distressing problems concerning the administrative/public
relations aspect of this survey occurred during our stay at Rongelap.


some unexplained reason, the ship carried a cannon; a close replica of the old
boarding cannons used on sailing ships to protect the gangway.
mounted just forward of the gangway on the starboard side.

The cannon was

On February 6th,

1979, sometime after 2100, the cannon was fired twice (I understand with a half
pound of black powder).

The cannon,

I was informed, was loaded with "toilet

paper and tin foil” and was fired aft.

Since the starboard side of the ship

was parallel with the shore, the flash must have been directed towards some part
of the island.

I was asleep in hold #2 at the time and didn't perceive the

noise as a cannon shot.

On February 7th, 1979, the cannon was fired once, again

after 2100, with the same load.

However, on this occasion, immediately after

the boom, a seven year old child on Rongelap cried out and stated that he was
struck by a projectile from the cannon.

(Please see enclosure 2.)

that he continued to cry for some time.

Again, I was below deck and asleep and

was unaware of what was going on.

The boy's father was very upset that the

Department of Energy's ship would injure his son.

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I understand

When I was informed of this

Select target paragraph3