
by Mr. Otterman on the prior day that a large storm was moying toward Utirik
and he advised leaving a day ahead of our scheduled departure.
this for two reasons.

I agreed to

First, we had discovered a pre-eclamptic lady who

needed to be evacuated to Kwajalein as soon as possible - with the least
amount of trauma, and second, because we were aware that a tropical storm had
developed south of Kwajalein and the deteriorating weather, in Mr. Otterman's
judgment, might hit Utirik and present some problems for the ship.


additional problem that developed because of our hasty departure involved a
"going away party" scheduled to be given for the medical team by the people
of Utirik.

We attempted to have a combined BNL/island party the evening

before departure but the magistrate had not understood that we were leaving
early, the resulting confusion again compromised the credibility of the
medical group.


It's obvious from the length and detail of this report that I consider

the ship logistic support for the January-February medical survey to be

I have presented all of the foregoing observations and opinions

in writing, ina rough draft, to Mr. Stanley, Mr. Brown and Mr. Ray.

I did

this specifically to alert them to the problems, as I saw them, prior to the
Users Conference that was scheduled for February 28th,

in Livermore, California.

I anticipated that a very delicate administrative problem would develop during
the Users Conference since Mr. Otterman had been invited to that conference.
I requested that the concerned DOE representatives have a preliminary meeting
at Livermore, prior to the conference, to attempt to resolve these problems
and not to use the conference itself as a forum for the discussion of the
details of the survey.

Unfortunately, we were unable to accomplish this.






can expand on why this was not accomplished if necessary.


During the Users


Select target paragraph3