Those on Attached List


Objective and Purpose
The rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll and resettlement of people on
Bikini and Eneu Islands has been approved and the project is underway.

The Secretary bf the Interior has stated he will look to AEC for
support in the radiological safety aspects of the resettlement program and NVOO has been funded by Division of Operational Safety for
participation in the first of a periodic series of field surveys,
planned for April-June 1972.

The field survey will include sampling of soil, air, sea and well water,
terrestrial and marine organisms and agricultural crops, as well as
measurements of radiation levels in any collected scrap metal and of
gamma levels in and around new structures.

The survey will investigate

the islands of principal interest in the atoll, and will be conducted
over a period of about nine days.

The survey party is expected to include

representatives of:



Division of Operational Safety (DOS), AEC;
Office of the Assistant Manager for Operations (AMO), NVOO;


Western Environmental Research Laboratory (WERL); and


Laboratory of Radiation Ecology (LRE), University of Washington.

The field survey itself will be followed by in-house laboratory analysis
of samples by WERL and LRE; however for the most part this phase of the

Select target paragraph3