

Security regulations at Eniwetok list the following items as
contraband, and they will be confiscated at Security Control
Points on arrival in the Atoll Area unless nersonnel are fully
authorized such items in the execution of their duties:


Cameras (a11 types)
Films (all tynes)
Photo Lab Equipment
Private Firearms (211 tyves)
Signalling Devices (signalling guns, shielded


Field Glasses


All weapons (small pocket knives excepted)





flashlights, flares, and similar devices)

Radio Transmitters

Fireworks (all types)


(7) Baggage.
While traveling via military aircraft 65 pounds of personal
baggage is allewed. Each piece should be tagged with durable

shioning tags, giving full nome and address.


In-Flight tunch Charges,
There will be a nominal charge for lunches served during the


The Tour Officer will collect from each individual

after boarding the aircraft.


Travel Order

Be prepared to furnish six (6) copies of JIF-3 travel orders
to the Tour Officer on boarding the aircraft.

Select target paragraph3