


Identification Card.

You must have with you a properly prepared and countersigned
Department of Defense Identification Card (DD Form 2A or

WDAGO Form 65).

Arrangements have been made to have required

pictures for these cards taken in Room 5A-132, the Pentagon,
between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday. You should have this picture taken as soon as possible
in order that your completed identification card may be returned
to you with your travel orders.


Certificate of Immunization.

At the time of departure, you must have with you a certificate
indicating your immunization (or receipt of a stimulating dosage

within the last year) against the following:

These innoculations may be given by any qualified physician.
If you wish, you may have them administered at either of the
following offices:

U.S. Naval Dispensary
Room 1936
Main Navy Building
i9th & Constitution Ave., N. W.
U. S. Public Health Service

Room 1624
Federal Security Building
4th and © Streets, S. W.

An individual letter of request from the AEC is required.


cali Sterling 8000, extension 552, if you wish to have arrenge=

ments made for you at either office.

This series of shots may require a period of about three weeks.
In cases where the time element does not permit the complete

series of shots, a statement should be obtained from the physi-

cian certifying as to the shots received and the balance required.

Tour Officers (see Flight Information below) can arrange booster
shots en route if necessary.

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