

Wee ee ay iYI a > NE ieeeSF 5s wrese Se

made first, vhere the redistion field was 10 r/ar.

The emmares veve


Placed in the lead box and the truck driven to the 450 yi. station vhere

the rediation field was only 1 r/hr, and the camsras from this station
vere then recovered.
The following day, development of the plates from two of the

oameras at the XM yd, station and from one of the cameras at the 450
ya, station vere


Bach of chefstacrrcor) cameras containe’ four plates vith
C2 emilsions, all at rear positions,

Two plates with Fl emisions

were placed at forvard raised positions,


The C2 emlaions from the 300 wil. station look to be readable,
They cannot be analysed on the Bicroseope thet we heve here (Parry

There is no water cell to cool the illuainating bean, The

heat fron the intense light beam required pits the emilsion.
Pour hundred ant eighteen tracks vere measured on one of the C2
Plates fram the 450 yi. station by Clem Prye.

The results of this

analysis are shows in Table 12,2-) and the neutron energy spectrum
extrapolated back to the outeide of the bomb is show in Pig. 12.2-1.

Tt should be caphasised thet these date are preliniaary.


tention is ealled to the mumber of tracks recoried for each half nev
energy interval ae shown in the table,
We wish to thank J, M411, R. Nevann and R. Moses for their
@esistanse in making last minute changes.

Alec we vould lire to state

our appreciation of the ecoperation which ve have received from Buddy

Sobuts an! the other machinists,




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Select target paragraph3