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perpeniieular te the plate. The lines of sight of the threes eallimator tubes passed through theee three extensions.


pieces of 1/8 lead sheet vere cut eo as to fit over the front
blast plate, leaving three holes for the lines of sight.

The line

of eight was of course not entirely clear, having to pase through

the 3/8" steel blast plate as vell as 3/4° of B°°.


An old phonex collimator block which hat broken ints three

pleces was used for additional shielding. One section was pleced
om edge along eneh side of the station and the third section ws
Ppleeed across the top of the collimator.

Thia section was reteted

throagh 90° so that it was flush vith the froat of the station bat
projeeted about 10° over each side.

The whole station was then

Ta addition te extra shielding, tvo bar magnets vere fastened

ene on each aide of the radiator so that the magnetic Meld between

them waa perpendicular to the axis of the camera.

Tt was hoped ly

this method to reduce blackening of the plates ty Compton, elestrons.
This method had teen shown to reduce blackening of amalstous tn
phonex cameras at the Nevada Tost Site.

41) eemeras at the 300 yi.

station vere equipped with these magnets. Purthermore, a twoim h
lead plug was placed in the 1)” pipe in front of the top collimator
tube, #0 as to reduce the gemma ray flux dow the collimter tube.
Recovery vas made ty Allen, Prye ent two #4 NW men (Brennan ead
Kaneshire) late in the afternoon of B-day. «Dicorter resovery hed_-«\

teen ed after a boon uted afterMBIMon), tue aftr
(BLACKPOOT) 0 6 x 6 truck was landed fron a T-boet, The trusk carried
a heavy recovery bax vith 3° of lead ehielding all around it, and epace
inside for six phonex cameras.

Reoovery from the, 300 yi, station was

Select target paragraph3