Project 12.2 = Fhonex - D. Phillips

The same type of concrete and pareffin shield was qiready eonatructed for BLACKFOOT as had been designed f



necessary modifications vere also cimtlar except thet there vaso
little gare time available,

One of the three phonex stations for

BR teacercor) was elininated (600 yde.), leaving the 300 yd. and
"490 ya. erations, The Line of aight to the 300 yd. otetion vas
through a 3° I. D. transite pips with $° wall,
from the concrete and pareffia shield.

This pipe was removed


The only tkiek vall heavy

material tubing awallable wes a piece of stainless steel 2° 1. 3. with

3/4" wall, This vas wrapped with 1/8 lead sheet,’ lesving approsimately 1/8" elearanse betveen the lead ani eoncrete or pareffia.


space waa filled, after onrefu) eligament, vith a thin concrete grout.
The plyvecd liner of the reeteagulear aperture was also rencved and the

sane type of 3/4° wall stainless steel tube wrapped with 1/8" lead we
carefully fined in position.

A thianer willed tebe we placed along

the J-13 lime of sight through the shield.

The space around these pipes

was then filled vith eonerete grout.

Gopt that 14 was extensively sand tagged.

Fvery effort was made to

Peduce the blackening of the C2 emulsions at the 300 pi. station.


inches of lead shielding was constructed on top, front ami beth sides
of the eollimstor block,

This was built from 1100 leed triaks vith

lead vool ebinking,

The front blast plate had three 1d” 1. 0. tubss 6° long welded



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Bo partioular precautions vere taken vith the 450 yi. station on-



3¢ 3

Select target paragraph3