

Ry sempling time, the bomb cloud had separated inte three major portiens:


top portion rubbing up against the bottan of the overcast at 3,000 feet, a
middle portion centered at 25,000 fest and the lower portion appearing to the
eyes like red dirt shoveled over the top of the undercast st 15,000 feet,


po.tions of the bomb cloud maintained « strong reddish bram coler and altbough
eeui-transparent in appearance, were always readily visible; particalarly with
ths aid of bro sunglasses cr helust visors.

Because of the apparent thinness of the cloud, Mger White I was directed

in at 30,000 feet and plus 50 mimites for a brief miff and reported redistion
intensity averaging 40 roentgens per hour,

About this tims, the landing field

was Closed ty beevy rain so White I was held off for 23 minutes before being put
into the same portion for his sampling run.

Clo intensities had dropped ty a

factor of 4 to 5 in this comparatively brief time.

Tiger White II was pat in at

25,000 feet and plus 96 minutes and found rediation intensities about the sam.
Rive I and IT were directed into the visible bottem of the clond spread aleng the
undercast at 15,000 feet and collected a required sample with no difficulty, even

though the activity encountered was in spote and patches,

Yellow I and It were

directed into the middle portion of the cloud et 2 hours after burst and enceutt~
ered radistion intensities averaging fram 4 to 5 roenmtgens per hour, about es

capected for thet tim. REST AVAILABLE COPY BA

The oumber ef fissions measured in the samples by Radio-Chemistry at Les

Alamos averaged about 77% of the number predicted at PPC from observation of
radistion levels ef sample papers as removed from the aircraft.

The discrepancy

was more than compensated for, by the pre-planned increase in pilots dosage based
en experience from preceding REDWING shots.



Select target paragraph3