~ 5 can estimate the net production in the estuary.
Curiousiy there is more
organic material coming into the estuary trom the ocean than goes out. This
means that the material must either be respired or sedimented.
Thev are also looking at the sulfur budget of the estuary and find that
the estuarv takes sulfate from the ocean and releases it to the atmosphere
as sulfide.

The tish populations of the estuary vary enormously being by tar the
highest in the summer and fall.
A great varicty of species are present with
the concentration of fish being thousands of times higher than it is in
Long Island Sound.
His conclusions were that the estuary is a carton sink,
Its respiration is very high.
Based on this he concludes that the estuars
is in fact cleaning the waters ot Long Island Sound and additionally that
in effect the estuary serves as a feed lot for fish.
Dr. F. W. Studier reported on his studies on the genetics of T-7
The T-7 is a very small phage consisting of a single molecule of double stranded DNA,
It codes tor 25 to 30 proteins.
Studier has
undertaken to identify all the proteins associated with the various gene
In order to do this he has collected a few thousand mutants principally
of the amber, temperature sensitive, and deletion type.
By manipulating
these mutants, and by some refinements in gel electrophoresis, he has been
able to identify 22 of the proteins associated with the known pene loci.
According to Dr. Studier the amount of protein equals the coding capacity
of the T~7 phage DNA,
Dr. B. P. Schoenborn described neutron diffraction studies of molecular
He pointed out that while x-ray diffraction has been used
extensively, it is not entirely satisfactory because of the low scattering
ability of the light biological molecules.
For example, it is not possibic
to see hydrogen,
In contrast, the scattering by neutrons is a function of
the element and is not related to its atomic weight.
By using Fouricr


is able

to see hydrogen

very useful
been in

the exanination of membranes,

Nitrogen also shews up verv well.


in distinguishing

in a molecule as

a negative contour,

In seneral neutron diffraction has been

large molecules.
Their particular interest
ribosomes and other cellular

componeats and from their studies they can infer semething of the structure
of these organolles.
Waoen anesthetics are applied to membranes, they apoear
to disorder the structure.
One problem with this tecnnique is that high
neutron fluxes are required,
Dr. M. Isaacson discussed plans for building a high resolution transmission scanning clectron microscope.
He apparently had previously been
associated with the group at the University of Chicago that has built a
somewhat smaller machine.
The Chicago scope operates at 30 kev, has i
resolution ot 5 A and can detect atoms down to Z2=80.
Dr. Tsaacson proposes
to build a scope that would operate at 100 kev, would have a 1.8 A resolution
and could detect atoms as low as 4=30.


Select target paragraph3