3. To providefor ths establishnent of effectile cooperation

among the three parties with respect to all defanse peasures ageinst
‘the effectsof attackfram atomle weapons. _*

ke Toprovide for coutimationof the Conbnnd|oltcy Coomtt=
tee with ite Fresent ratio of sexbership from the Teated States, the
ta earry out ani sup
a (a) these arcountries.

a ES a

5. To establish cooperation amongthe three parties with respect to bases necessary for delivery of atomic weapops. fases
should be esteblished with dus regard for strategic
nsiderations. ‘
The three parties should cooperate in ecquiring nece
rights. For bases required in United Kingios by
war plans,
the necessary advance preparations should be made at hese bases
inelnding the construction of special buildings and
installation of
special equipment, and the practice ani training of the “necessary
military combat teens should be permitted. The three p
cooperate in thetraining of the special military unite “required for

the delivery of atomic veapons. (Item 5 should be « pervised by the
Military and not the Combined Policy Comittee. - If mm te a subject
of separate negotiations, schnegotiationsshould be| coordinated

with 1, 2 and 3 above.)


é. To provide for an érrangunent, which will contme effoct-

ive over a relatively long period oftime.



Tt 4s suggested that the tern of these :

ancements should

be of the order of twenty years, with proviaion for withdrawal there- ..
after upon appropriate notification. Provisions for thp allocation

of raw mterials (2-p-(2} above) shouldbe subject for feconsideraStan at the end of 5 years.






Select target paragraph3