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C, Accelerate the 20-40 KT underground program so that

the shot can be fired during December 1958.

to fire one of the following for this test:

We propose

In addition to the information about larger under-

ground tests we will use this test to get a higher yield
point on the seismic detection scale,

If January 1,


moratorium looks certain as we approach the firing date and
the schedule is lagging we will change our plans and fire
a near standard device with little or no disgnostics rather
than delay beyond January 1.
D, We will accelerate the search for a suitable large

cavity (salt dome) for the type of shot discussed with you

out here April 12.

We will continue to discuss this with

"Q" cleared employees of private companies.

If the Com-

mission is willing to go all out to procure the cavity for
this test we could be prepared to fire a shot in the Fall

of 1958.

We would use this shot to get additional data on

the seismic detection scale,

EB. The financial plans required for the accelerated
program listed in A through D above are 37.0 million for

FY 1958 and 47.0 million for FY 1959,

The 47.0 million

level included Plowshare at 2.5 million (this is the same
as was included for Plowshare in the 44,0 million level).
As stated previously this accelerated program will be

reviewed January 1959 to determine if the speed up should
be continued,

. FF, Every effort will be made to minimize effects on
other laboratory programs.

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