their family groups presently on Kili?

It is our understand-

ing, from the meetings here with Representative Ataji Balos

and the Kili representatives, that a group of relatives of
approximately this size has been trying to join their relatives.
Inushort, will the program be dealing with the present
group of 112 now on Bikini Island or a new total of 152?
I am also sending a copy of the vroposed feeding program to

Dr. Conard for his comment indicating, of course, that it is

still in a preliminary stage.
For the past two years, he has
been very much concerned on the lack of vitamins in the
children's diet on Bikini Island and regularly he has reconmended vitamin supplements for the small children.
unrtortunately never seems to have occurred.
The provosed feedang program and suggested menus appear to us to remedy the
Situation, but it might be well to have the problem of the very
young children considered in view of past deficiencics.
Sincerely yours,

Hrs. Ruth G. Van Cleve
Office of Territorial Affairs

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