The following arrangements were agreed to:

ERDA will invite TTPI medical personnel (e.g., medical officer, nurses,

health aides,

technicians ) to participate in the ERDA medical visits in

order to facilitate expanded programs such as well baby clinics,


etc., and will assist with logistic support of these activities.

For the next four quarterly visits,

the TT will provide one medical officer,

one health assistant, and up to two additional medical personnel, as needed.
Travel, per diem and subsistence will by paid by ERDA; salaries will be paid
by TTPI.

ERDA will assist in arranging for additional US medical doctors to partic-

ipate in the medical team visits, as may be required to assist the TTPI in
providing general medical care to the people living on Rongelap and Utirik.
For the next spring survey (March,


provide, and will fund if necessary,

ERDA will make every effort to

two additional physicians.

[It is

anticipated that the two physicians will be provided by the Public Health

ERDA will,

to the extent operationally feasible,

extend the duration of

its medical team visits to Rongelap and Utirik to accommodate the needs of
the Trust Territory medical program.


for the next spring visit,

it is expected that duration of stay of the medical team will be extended
by two to three days.

The medical teams, while at the islands, will extend medical care and

treatment equally to all those living:on the two islands.

Select target paragraph3