-3equip her to our specifications, and ship her out here. By commereial

vessels the shipping alone would be $40,000. Presumably we could get
a free lift on some navy vessel and save that last item. To hire a
Marshallese crew and pay KMR for fuel and maintenance would cost you

$50,000 a year. But then you would have a boat, both for your two yearly
field trips, for your man here, and to do some

services for other AEC

activities here, both on Eniwetok and Bikini. She seems ideal in all
respects but one; if she could do 15 ~ 20 knots instead of 7 - 10
we could get from one atoll to the next in daytime. After sitting on that
rock, I shall never really enjoy night navigation again. But you can't win
them all.

If you want more information on this boat, write or call
Mr. Nick MIKUS + Special Items Manager, Watercraft
US Army Mobility Equipment dommand

4300 Goodfellow Bivd

St. Louis, Mo. 63120
Telephone 314 — AM3 - 2361
It won't hurt you to inquire.
I shall write you again about the equipment checkout. In

the meantime I wish you, your crew, and your family a Happy New Year!


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