a Lawrence Livermore tg National Laboratory Biomedical & Environmental Sciences Divisions \ fi June 29, 1982 Dr. William Bair Yet Ded Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories P.O. Box 999 Richland, Washington 99352 Dear Bill: This the first draft of the Northern Marshall Island Dose Assessment paper. Many of the tables (3,4,5,6 and 19) need updating as the reanalysis data comes back from Eberline. Also tables 24 & 25 have not been updated yet to reflect the use of both diets. All of these updates are being done as data are available. However, the basic paper is complete and I don't expect the doses listed in tables 21-23 to change much at all due to the still outstanding data. I would appreciate it if you could review the paper and give me your comments. I feel that if you round off the doses as you did before, that that will cover any changes that may occur from the reanalysis data yet to be received from Eberline. I am also sending draft copies to Bruce Wachholz and Roger Ray and for internal review here. If I get some of the tables updated in the very near future I will forward them to you. Sincer 5 Lh WilTiam L. Robison Section Leader Terrestrial & Atmospheric Sciences WLR/mt University of California P.O. Box 5507 Livermore, California 94550 Telephone (415) 422-8361 FTS 532-8361 ~ Twx 910-386-8339 DOE LLL LVMR ( f4 L Nw LLY Manager Environmental, Health and Safety Research Program ‘ yA ss