~3We expect to ship to you about 25 boxes of medical equipment in the first week

of December; Bill Scott has already contacted Mr. Koga about this shippment,
a portion of which will be preshipped to Majuro and hopefully held at the air
terminal there until the arrival of the BNL advance party. For examinations in

Majuro we will need one car available at the airport to meet Dr. Grant and the

party coming down from Kwajalein.

On the 10th of January we will need two ad-

ditional (hopefully in good condition) vehicles available with the arrival of

the main party on 1/13.

For examinations at Ebeye we will need two vehicles, one being a covered
vehicle (step van if possible) for use in transporting patients and the other

a carry-all if available.

I'm sending Peter Heotis and Bill Grant ahead of the

party to coordinate things both in Honolulu and at Kwaj and Majuro.
Peter should
arrive in the islands around January 1 and Bill will be arriving on the 6th of
You'll note from a copy of the enclosed calendar that Dr. Cronkite will
be with us in Honolulu for the 10th, 11th and 12th.
We have scheduled an open

meeting with the University of Hawaii during this time to investigate some future
coordination with them.

I understand from Peter, who received a letter from Ted Murawski that Ted
is, or will be leaving Kwajalein in January. This will certainly be a great

loss to the BNL program.
I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you what a
fine job Ted has done out there and how much help he has been on past surveys.
My concern at the present time is who will be Ted's replacement and what sort

or orientation he will have as to anticipating and coordinating the needs of the

BNL program for this rather crucial transitional survey.

Bob and I are getting

together a number of things that I think we should discuss and we will contact

you by phone and maybe we can talk about this at that time.

I've had a number of major int ruptions during the dictation of this letter.
I hope that I included everything in the preplanning phase of it. If not, I'1l

supplement as necessary if there are any significant deviations from this plan
or request I'll notify you immediately by mail or call. Again, I want to thank
you and Harry and Jimmy Ford and the rest of your staff for the tremendous support

that you've given us in the past.


The program reelly couldn't exist without your

I'm looking forward to seeing you early in January.

With warmest regards,

Hugh S. Pratt, M.D.

HSP: gc
cc: Oscar DeBrum




Ted Murawski
Ezra Riklon
Commanding Officer of Kwajalein



Select target paragraph3