A survey of the radioactivity in the sea in the region of
the North Equetorial Current from the Marshall Islands to the

Marianas Islands was made in September 1956.

The expedition

W&S sponsored by the United States Atlomic Energy Commission,
Division of Biology and Medicine, and carried out by the Applied
Fisheries Laboretory, University

of Washington, with the support

and cooperation of the United States Navy.
Plankton samples were taken by oblique tows from 200 meters
and water samples were taxen from the surface,

150 meters at 74 stations.





The general pattern of distribution

of radioactivity shows a sharp decrease east of Bikini and a
gradual but irregular decrease west of Eniwetok.

A slight de-

gree of contamination is indicated as far to the west as Guam,
the western extremity of the survey.

Non-fission products

account for a large proportion of the radioactivity in plankton and fish samples.

Select target paragraph3