Operation of the Ship

"One boiler operation was maintained during the aurvey, to
ensure maximum fuel-economy,

except while entering and leaving

Speeds between stations ..



second leg fifteen knots,

twelve knots,


eleven knots,


first leg

. were as follows:


third leg

The ship's speed was gradually reduced

when coming on atation during which time the bathythermograph
drop was made.

When the speed was one to two kmots and the ship

was headed with the wind off the port bow the portscrew waa
stopped and the plankton net was dropped.

A speed of about one

knot was maintained during the plankton haul.

The vessel came

to a dead stop while the water bottle casts were made.


speed was gradually resumed following completion of the collections.

Plankton, water and fish samples and continuous measure-

ments of the activity in the surface water were taken.


samples and their preparation were the same as for the Walton
survey with the following exceptions.


Water samples were taken from the surface,



100 and

150 meters to make certain that at least the deepest bottle would
be below the thermocline.

The plankton volumes were determined

* Quoted from letter from Commanding Officer, USS Marsh (DE 699)
to CTG 7.3, 23 September 1956,

Select target paragraph3