




Politlcal Considerations and Program Cooniination
With regard to interagency arrangements, lll$was responsible for
Washington-level contacts with the Departmentof the Interior (including Trust Territories administration) to obtain necessary concurrences
in AEC survey and study plans. 00S and NV has jointly conducted meetings in the forward area with Trust Territories authorities to discuss
specific plans for the field work and to obtain necessary field concurrences and support. (This field coordination was done in early March


Further Program Definition and Fuhding Authorization
Following further meetings with project participants to define technical content of program and detailed schedules, the Assistant Manager
for Operations will advise the Assistant Manager for Plans and Budgets
of more definitive cost estimates required for completion of the
surveys and studies and analysis work, identified both by contractor
participants and by fiscal year.

AM/P&B will then be responsible to

advise DOS and other appropriate Washington Divisions and to arrange
necessary authorization of FY 72 and FY 73 funds. Target date for submission of cost estimates is June 15, 1972.

Roster of Project Officers

Select target paragraph3