


The party perforndng these surveys Is expected to include representat~ves of:

Division of Operational Safety (DOS), AEC;


Office of the Assistant $’hnagerfor Operations (AMO), NV;


Western Environmental Research Laboratory (HERL/EPA); and


Laboratory of Radiation Ecology (LRE), University oflfashington.

The field surveys themselves will be followed by in-house lab~ratory
analysis of samples by WERL/EPA and LRE; however for the most part
this phase of work will be accomplished in FY 73 on the basis of
additional funding to be provided separately from that authorized to


date ,by DOS.


Policies, Responsibilities and Procedures

In concept, DOS will define the basic objectives to be accomplished
by the radiological surveys and the Eniwetok cleanup study and in
conjunction with NV will develop the overall scope of work to be
conducted. This will be based on detailed technical program concepts
and plans developed by WERL/EPA and LRE. The field effort itself
will be carried out primarily by NV through NV contractor/agency
resources, with guidance and concurrence of DOS participants in the
Within NV, the Assistant Manager for Operations will be responsible
to the Manager for successful accomplishment of the objectives of

the surveys and cleanup study, and preparation of the required
survey and study reports. He will be assisted to the extent required


Select target paragraph3