-2‘It should be pointed out that some U. S. laws will not apply to the
Northern Marianas until it becomes a Commonwealth after the end of the
Trusteeship which the United States hopes to terminate in 1981.


Sections 502 and 703:0f the Covenant .indicates the availability 6f

more federal programs for the Northern Marianas.

The Covenant will be

discussed more thoroughly at a subsequent Committee meeting.
The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands known also as Micronesia,
is made up of the Districts of the Marshalls, Ponape, Truk, Yap, Palau,

and Kosrae.

Status negotiations with the Congressof Micronesia

negotiating team representing these districts have been conducted for
several years.

In June, 1976, a nearly complete "Compact of Free

Association" resulted from the negotiations.

In essence, it provided

for a unified Micronesia and for self-government internally; with the
United States having responsibility for external or foreign affairs and
defense of the islands.

For a variety of reasons however, no formal

negotiating sessions were held this past year.

Instead of a united

Micronesia, now the Marshalls and the Palau Districts have proceeded

separately from the other districts and have sought separate negotiations
Early this year, a policy review by the new administration in
Washington was completed, and the Administration invited representatives
from the Marshalls and Caroline Islands (all of the TT excluding the
Northern Marianas) to participate in a round-table conference with the
United States in Honolulu from 18 - 21 May to discuss a range of
subjects of mutual interest.

At that conference,

the United States



Select target paragraph3