
Project ..

Study of Hematology of Radiat. on Injury

Responsible Agency: National Military Establishment
Objective: To porform certain routine hematoligic oxaminations
for comparison with results obtained ot Bikini and in the NMRI,
To study the nature and the course of the hemorrhagic tendency
in irradiated animals,
Proceduret Routinc, complete studies of the hemogram will be
made in the surviving large animals, The studies of the homorrhagic state will be confined to histologic examination of
appropriato tissucs, and to biochemicnl studics of plasma, ;
quick frozen at -55°F, and returned to NMRI for fractionation;

Projoct 7:

Syudy of Particulate Fission Products

Responsible Agency: University of Rochester
Objective: To study the distribution in lungs and cther
tissucs of radio:ctive fission products, of dust containing
induced radioactivity; using animals exposed at various sites,
Procedure: As amended, selected tissues from animals exposed
in would be available for preservation for radio-

asutography, microincincration, and other suitable studies.
(See original proposals 3.22023 3e202e33 3420244; and 3,.2.2,4.1)


Responsible Agency: National Military Establishment
Objective: To study the distribution in animals of fission

products inhaled and ingested in areas of fall-out,

Procedure: Where fall-out is expected shicldcd laboratory
animalswould be expesed for varying intervals of timo; and
in known areas of fall-out laboratory animels and indigcnous
forms would be collected after vexposure and studied for the
distribution and variety of fission products in the lungs
and body.


Responsible Agency: Crocker Laboratory, University of Cal ifornia
Objective: To investigate the behavior of radicactive acrosols
produced by nuclear detonation, using expcriments} animals
(rats) to evaluste and estimate the possible hazards
to humans

inhaling radioactive dusts and mists,
Procedure: Animals would be placed downewind, suitably
from bomb radintions, If possible others would be placed
drone aircraft, Spulics of oc: mical species of radioactive
aerosols, their distribution, ctc,, would be performed
alpha, beta and gamma counters, cleckroscopces, ctce

Project 8:

Biological Dosimetry

Objoctives: This series of proposals involves the
use of certain
biological agents os dosimeters, on the basis of extensi
laboratory studies,
Procedures The dosimeter material would be placed
in suitable
contuinors, and in allthe animal exposure
containers, It would
also be placed behind experimental shiclds
, and in the high
dose rangco, It is planned that the dose
range: 20-600r would
be monitored by Tradescantia; 50-600r
by the CF-1 mice;
500-5000r by Neurospora; 5000-20,000r
by Aspergillus; and
5000-50,000r by Zen,
Responsible Apencies:


* Submitted
too late for

Onk Ridge National Laboratory, and
U.S.Department of Agriculture, and NWE
Osk Ridge National Laborat ory, and NME

Responsible igensy: Los Alamos Scientific
Objective: To use alternations of the
size of spleen, thymus,
and changes in the ratio: white pulp/
red pulp after 250 KV
X-ray as an indicator of equivalent
rodiation. It is proposed
to attempt biological monitoring of
atom bomb radiation in
certain localities by taking advan
tage of this effect,
Procedurer Mice whose response to
250 KV x=ray is well know
would be exposed in the approximately
50-600r range in locations
where integrated dose measurements
are desired, as behind hiclds,
in drones, etc, Approximately 5
days after exposure the animals
will be sacrificed and the measu
rements made,

action by Co:mmittee

GC -3

Select target paragraph3