Development Administration
Pacific Area Support Office

P.O. Box 29939

Honolulu, Hawaii


Dear Mr. Stanley,
I would like to request a change of sampling at Bikini Atol}

from our previously scheduled trip of 18 August to 3 September 1975
to the first two weeks in December 1975. Discussion with Mr. James

Miller of your office indicated that the LCU would be available at
this time.

‘We would like to have logistic support for four people who plan

to collect water, sediment and biological samples in the lagoon and
hearby waters. The sampling program is a follow-up of our 1972 trip
on the R.M.V. Palumbo. Most of the samples collected in the 1972
Survey have now been analyzed and gaps in the data have been found.
These need to be filled to achieve a more complete picture of radionuclide distribution at Bikini Atoll. Thus, the sampling objective

will be to collect samples from specific regions of the Atoll and to

test certain water and sediment sampling devices. The study is part of
our ERDA program on Biogeochemical studies of Radionuclides in Aquatic
Environments. The focus of our sampling and analytical program is to
measure the trans-uranium elements in the Bikini ecosystem although other
radionuclides will also be measured to compliment the trans-uranium data.
Requirements for logistic support include a winch and Shipek Dredge
for sediment grab sampling. The winch should be free falling so that
a three inch corer can be used to penetrate into the sediments. The
capacity of the winch should be ca 3000 Ibs. and have at least 200 m
cable. A Boston whaler or equivalent will be needed to collect plankton
Samples and to transport people and equipment to the near shore and
tsland regions. We will need freezer space on board to preserve the
samples and a supply of dry ice to send the frozen samples back to
Seattle. The A.C. power on board to run the pumping and counting
equipment should be satisfactory. Deck space will be needed for our hose

reel spool and water pumping equipment.

The hose reel spool should be

near the hydro wire since the wire is used with the hose and water
pumping system. The size of the spool is 4x4x6 ft. Deck space is also

needed to store 20-30 gallon drums.

needed for coring.

A platform outside the railing is




Mr. Wm. J. Stanley
Energy Research and


July 10, 1975

Laboratory of Radiation Ecology


LQ 344

College of Fisheries





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