weteee ee

see ble a,

Among the islands listed, Alice is the most westerly of the
northern islands and Leroy is the most westerly of the southern

Thus Alice, along with Belle and Clara, are gencrally

downwind from the northerly island Janet, the location of many tests.
The early-time fallout on these westerly islands from tests at Janet
can be seen in the table above.

On the other hand, Yvonne is on the

eastern side of the Atoll, about midvay in the north-south direction.
The other side of the Atoll, in the prévailing downwind direction, is
largely a reef, with Alice to the north and Leroy to the south.


table shows that the early fallout of significance was on one.or the
other of these islands.


Much of the information on radiological conditions in the oceanic
areas around the Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls and in the lagoons has been

abtained from repeated surveys by the Applied Fisheries Laboratory of the
University of Washington (Hines, 1962).


In June 1946 before the first tests at Bikini Atoll, almost two

Pe me One aUO ORS ese yn Oem ae

Sea-Based Surveys

thousand fish were taken at Bikini as controls to ascertain the normal
Bikini fish population.

Between Able and Baker tests and after these

In September 1946 migratory fish

caught at nearly atolls were found not to have detectable radioactivity

(lines, 1962, p. 49).
Resurveys were conductedin 1947 and 1948 with scientific representat

,. tlLon broadened to other military, governmental, and institutional


wer ims

radioactivities (Hines, 1962, p. 44).

me ewes me erp es

tests similar numbers of fish in this vicinity were collected to study

Select target paragraph3