The depth distribution of fallout depends greatly upon the
thermocline, which is the layer of water between the warmer, surface

zone and the colder, deep-water zone in a thermally stratified body

The termocline is consequently a loyer with a large temperastate

ture gcadient with depth.


In the area of Fnivetok Atoll, the surface

layer is less than 100 meters thick.

Because the temperature is

fairly uniform throughout this upper layer, mixing in this Layer
requires only small amounts of energy and should occur easily.


contrast, transfer of materials across the thermocline layer by turbulent diffusion is much slower since the: thermocline is a layer of high
In studies during the 1958 test series at Eniwetok Atoll, analyses
rave mada hw filtratian ta dictinanich hetweean particulate matter and

colloidal-soluble matter.

eee ek een ee Tees iene Cee TERR ees mmnee mE eS on

of water.

The particulate fraction was considered in

these studies to be greater than 0.45 microns and the colloid-solubie
fraction was considered to be smaller.

At 48 hours after the nuclear

explosion, the major part of the total radioactivity was concentrated
at the 100-meter depth of the upper edgeof the thermocline.


the particulate matter would be expected to sink much more rapidly.
This was confirmed by observations up to six-weeks later, all of which
showed that the colloid-soluble fraction was always on order of
magnitude greater in the surface zone than the particulate fraction.
At the 400-meter greatest depth observed,

the particulate fraction

increased in time from being an order of magnitude less until it
approached the colloid-soluble fraction in magnitude at the end of



Daanence Genet

this six-weeks period.

Select target paragraph3